Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ride of the Valkyries

Wagner was a massive anti-semite.  that's a third of what i think of every time i hear that song.  here's the song:

here's what my immediate reaction is, every time i hear it:
1.  kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit
2.  i shouldn't like this song, Wagner really hated jews
3.  i love that scene from Apocalypse Now

it's a beautiful piece.  the intro is thrilling, tense, engaging, and it leads into that triumphant horn part that everyone with a pulse has heard at least once in his or her life.  it's inspiring music, really, it makes perfect sense that the Nazis would want to use it in their propaganda.  it makes you want to go out and conquer something.

it's a question of art versus motive, i suppose.  it's a classic piece of art, one of the most recognizable pieces of music ever made.  but if it's made so Hitler and his buddies can pump up their swastika-sporting brethren, should we still listen to it?  i'm not a very good philosopher, so i'm going going to even try to answer that question.  it's been in my thoughts for a couple of days now, since i saw a car commercial with Ride of the Valkyries hawking a Nissan something or other.  i doubt they worried as much about it as i've thought about it.

i'm not going to vote on tuesday.  i feel bad about it.  forgot to get my absentee ballot.  the last time i voted was in the presidential election in 2008.  i voted for McCain, believe it or not.  that may inspire a lot of gut reactions in you, but i did a lot of research before i voted.  realistically, he was the most liberal republican presidential candidate i've ever seen.  i actually preferred Obama when it came to the issues, but doubted he would have the influence within politics that McCain had, and would fall far short of his grand promises.  McCain sure as hell wasn't going to commit genocide on gay people or whatever people were scared of:  politicians these days are too scared to drastically polarize themselves on hot button issues, they'll get crucified when the other party starts gaining influence again.  hence "don't ask don't tell" and that sort of thing.  but once Obama won, i was fully behind him, i believe that's the way the populace should act unless something happens to compromise the ability of the president to lead (i.e. Watergate-style paranoia).  now, supporting the president does not mean everyone should agree with everything he says; the beauty of a democracy is the ability for people to change their own circumstances as dictated by the government.  but the general Obama-bashing is not helpful at all for the country, i believe that the vocal hatred of Obama by a rightist minority has led republican congressmen to entrench themselves and stop legislation that republicans would normally agree to.  which in turn has led to liberals pointing their fingers at the gop to disguise their own shortcomings, the conservatives pointing back, and a whole lot more squabbling.  i think Obama has done as well as we could expect any president to act in his situation.  i don't believe he is an outstanding president, but he is far from incompetent, an above-average president trying his best.

shit, how did i get started on politics?  this has been a thoroughly un-humorous post, and probably alienating on several levels.  realistically, i doubt i will ever see a candidate with the same mixture of conservative and liberal stances that i have.  i verge on radical on some liberal issues, but still have a conservative side of me when it comes to other issues (typically financial issues).

i have no clue why this ended up in a blog post.  i guess i don't really discuss politics that often.  this was a healthy thing to put in black and white, i suppose.

friday i came into work and realized the Eventric office dressed up for halloween.  not everyone was wearing costumes, but there was some joshing at my blue and white thermal's expense.  we also watched a couple of horror flicks.  i watched Nightmare on Elm Street for the first time.  it was a pretty neat movie, fun viewing.  went to North Avenue Guitars to look for a footswitch, talked to a guitar tech for a half hour, went home, watched Mad Men, and slept.  also wrote a bridge for one of my songs, played guitar for a while.  my electric guitar (a telecaster) is really starting to show some signs of wear from my picking arm and my recklessly un-technical strumming, but it's looking pretty cool so far.  seeing lots of wood through the finish.

saturday, lazed around the apt all day.  watched the rest of Mad Men season 4, then Rolling Stones' Gimme Shelter, which was a movie revolving around the Stones playing Altamont in 1969.  that free Altamont show is generally pointed to as the end of the 60s counterculture, with the Hell's Angels killing a guy who pulled a gun in the crowd, and three other people dying from various other causes.  they actually have footage of a guy pulling a gun, and a Hell's Angel stabbing him two or three times.  go to about 4:00 to see the slow-motion video of it, from the film Gimme Shelter.

well, now that i've been thoroughly depressing and un-funny in this blog post, i think i'll just leave it.

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