Friday, October 29, 2010

insomnia + laziness = 3 seasons of Mad Men watched

been nine days since my last one of these.  ten depending on how technical you are and what your rounding system is.  i'm not exactly a pro at this blogging business yet.

let's see...

last wednesday.  i saw Avi Buffalo at Schubas, on the guest list courtesy of JMA.  (i plan on capitalizing for emphasis, excitement, and eccentricity [i had two "e" words, thought i'd add a third for the alliteration], and with no particular grammatical rules in mind in case you were wondering)  anyway.  Avi Buffalo, capitalized because it's a band name and i've arbitrarily decided that band names should be capitalized from now on, put on a pretty solid show.  it was in the vein of the surf-psych hipster stuff that's coming out of the west, but more accessible, more genuine.  if their singer got better, they might have a shot at really going somewhere.  they had the best girl drummer i've seen in a while.

last thursday.  don't remember.  probably did something.

friday.  started Mad Men, and the downfall of my activity outside of work.  i tend to go on tv binges when i watch it.  i don't own a tv, so don't really watch tv casually.  i watch tv with purpose.  i sit down, and watch one show for six or seven hours straight at a time.  which is how i've gotten through three seasons of Mad Men in less than a week.  it is also highly detrimental to my social, mental, and physical status, making me a pasty neurotic hermit that survives on frozen pizza and that burrito place down the street.  La Amistad.  they deserve capitalization.  you know the place.

saturday, watched more Mad Men, wrote riffs for two songs, messed with my tube screamer/ds-1/amp tone for a couple of hours.  did absolutely none of the research i had promised myself and others that i would do.  went to see Daniel Martin Moore at Schubas.  i was his driver to and from the Iron & Wine show at OSU a week prior, and we had hit it off enough for him to put me on his guest list for the show. i got there just as he was starting (thanks, Mad Men, you're ruining my life now).  it was a nice, mellow show, traditional-style folk that added a virtuosic guitar player who knew not to shred.  ended with a devastatingly slick loop that Ric Hordinski (the guitarist) played, with three intertwining fingerpicking parts so perfectly timed that they just let the loop go for a few minutes.  at one time, both artists were off the stage, listening.  then DMM came up and faded out the amp volume, ending the show.  i got chicago pasta and pizza afterwards, just the pasta though.  it was good.

sunday, watched Mad Men.  started to feel ridiculous about myself.

monday.  jeff's back from new york, we had a fair amount of work at JMA.

tuesday.  all interns on deck, typical tuesday.  made veggie chorizo burritos at about 10:30, because chicago is dark all the time and it's seriously screwing with my internal clock.  i may have reverted back to a 25 hour day.  studies indicate that without day and night cues, humans' internal clocks will change to 25 hour cycles instead of the 24 hour cycles we normally run on.  see, now aren't you glad you read this blog?  if you actually read something that was entertaining, you would've never heard that useless tidbit.

this thing is a wall of text.  here's something to break up the monotony.  it's a damn fine commercial:

wednesday.  perfect storm to make me late for work.  slept through my alarm, first.  then, the water was shut off in my apartment because i woke up so late and they're replacing pipes in my apt building.  so i took a boy scout shower with the water from my coffee maker, brushed my teeth, and was on my way.  but the bus didn't come for twenty minutes.  i go to my car so i can drive to work.  my car is on a one-way street, and there is a massive piece of construction equipment blocking the intersection i would need to go through to drive my car anywhere.  so i wait another 15 minutes for the bus.  end up at work an hour late.  it's ok.  i had leftover veggie chorizo burritos.

thursday.  finished my Eventric teaser video for the third time.  this time it's good, though, the bosses approve.  i get to start splicing together videos tomorrow for a trade show that's coming up.  wrote the music to lyrics i had had already.  it's got a ska vibe to it, but it's too straight of a rhythm for ska.  i'm hoping to get some weird syncopated percussion and bass to go along with the guitar part i wrote.

friday.  i'm not sleeping well.  still watching Mad Men.  i'm on season 4, episode 3, i believe.  this time last week, i had still not watched a single episode of the series.  that means i watched about 40 episodes in a week.  awful.  just listened to Beethoven's 5th arranged as salsa music on NPR.  it was ok.  not really a big fan.

i don't know if i know anyone who listens to as much music as me in a week.  in the past week, i have listened to:

on vinyl
This Is Reggae compilation from the 70s
Leave Home by The Ramones
Harvest by Neil Young
Sam by The Sidekicks

on ipod
Age of Adz by Sufjan Stevens (still don't know what all the fuss is about)
Fuckin A and The Body The Blood The Machine by The Thermals
Arkansas? by Arkansas?
a bunch of Alien Orders stuff on repeat
Andy Cook Split and Rhetoric by American War
Hospitals by Off With Their Heads
... And Out Come The Wolves by Rancid
Odelay and Midnite Vultures by Beck
i'm missing some, too.

at work, music constantly on
office radio station at Eventric (including Charlie Mingus, The Buzzcocks, Miles Davis, Neil Young, The White Stripes, Elvis Costello, and Dave Brubeck, to name a few)

i probably am exposed to 50 hours of music a week at a minimum.  i've listened to music more than i've slept this week, by a long shot.  and if we toss in playing music, then i'm up to about 60 hours a week of music.  glad i can work at places where i listen to music for 35-40 hours a week.

finally feeling tired.  gonna put away the remains of the chorizo burritos (that one tube of fake chorizo made a ton of food.  definitely not complaining, though, i highly recommend it.  i got mine from Trader Joe's), then go to sleep.

i'm not planning on doing anything for halloween.  this'll be the first time i haven't dressed up since i got to college.  i think i'm ok with it.  i think the fact that i can't wear a dinosaur costume this time is making things easier on me.

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